Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Third observation!

On Friday, November 9th I observed the Normandy once again. There were many carcasses at the bottom, mostly of water fleas. The population of water fleas decreased greatly from last week- a large part of the nutrients available to them was likely used up due to the population explosion. I did not see any more gastrotrichs. It is likely that the few in the Normandy were eaten by other organisms. I observed three different species of amoeba; I also identified them. I identified Vexillifera sp. and Chaos sp. using An Illustrated Guide to Protozoa (Lee, Hunter, and Bovee 1985). I identified Arcella sp. using a second guide (Patterson 1996). From Patterson's Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa: A Colour Guide I identified five other organisms: Cyclidium sp., Stentor sp., Peranema sp., Vorticella sp., and Paramecium sp.
I am still attempting to identify a number of other organisms.

Ed. Lee JJ, Hunter SH, and Bovee EC. 1985. An illustrated guide to the protozoa. Lawrence, Kansas: Society of Protozoologists.
Patterson DJ. 1996. Free-living freshwater protozoa: a colour guide. London: Mason Publishing Ltd.

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